I'd like to say that I prefer going places with no internet connection. But I can confidently say that It's A Giant Pain In My Ass when I'm on the hook for making lodging reservations for our next week of travel. But I can happily say that we now have reservations in Montpelier VT, Oswego, NY, and Niagara Falls.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Emergency room
No, neither of the girls, thankfully. It's not even really an emergency, medically speaking. But the combination of health insurance policy rules and medical care available in Wolfeboro has me sitting in the Huggins Hospital ER on an overcast Sunday morning. Oh, the indignities of aging. Or possibly just of being me. Both of my ears have become so plugged by some combination of ear wax and lake water that I think I'm getting an infection in both ears and for sure I can't hear very well. Not being able to hear Alice's ridiculous whispers is horrible!
Thankfully the ER is almost empty. And the woman who checked me in happened to be looking for a financial planner, so we chatted a bit about how she should go about looking for one. I love being able to help people out like that, because it takes 5 minutes and no effort on my part and the other person can benefit so much because the financial planning profession (and personal finance in general) is so opaque to most people.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Enough to break your heart.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
As of a few days ago she had learned to move around astonishingly well in her life jacket, kicking like a little motor boat, totally confident. Still, she would not willingly put her face in the water, which is a big deal for learning how to actually swim.
Yesterday, wearing goggles, she discovered the joys of leaping off of a platform into the water! Total immersion. She's now completely comfortable getting her entire head wet. In theory this will assist with learning how to swim without a life jacket, we think. Also, it's extremely cute. There are more photos in the Road Trip album (if you haven't got the link, drop me a note, I will cheerfully share it with you!) Here are a couple samples, though:
Sense of sniff.
There may or may not have been some farting last night. Alice got a whiff and started making a very whiney capital case out of it. She then aimed the fan in my direction. When she continued to make yuck faces I exclaimed that she couldn't possibly still smell anything. She retorted that "I have a very good sense of sniff."
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Never again.
I ate lobsters every summer during my youth, while on vacation on Lake Winnipesaukee. Last night was the first time I ever cooked them myself. I don't care how sentient - or not - lobsters are. I will not be cooking or eating them again.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Sunday, July 20, 2014
We are living the New England summer stereotype.
It was all worth it.
One of the problems with this sort of travel is that we (parents) work from sun up to sun down. (A problem that goes away when we're stationary for a week, as we are now. Especially with other family members around!) One morning, while camping in Beaver Pond Campground, I woke up beside Molitor, who silently gestured up at the lovely moon, perfectly framed by the top of the tent. We shared a moment (almost literally) and then Beatrice woke up a feet away from our heads in the portacrib. Ah, we remember the days of camping as a childless couple.
Andrew's family (brother Andrew, not husband Andrew...see, it's confusing for everyone, no?) arrived yesterday, too, and most of all I was delighted to see how gleefully Ani and Alice played together. Alice was (and has been) so excited that she is talking a mile a minute...which makes Ani seem damn near mute. In fact, it might make Ani's entire family seem mute by comparison. Alice got down to the business of arranging playdates with Ani, arranging tours of each other's cabins, making sand pies ("they're made of sand though, so you don't EAT them" <emphatic hand and facial gestures>), and, of course, watching a bit of TV.
And now, back to this morning, where we are settling in for the looooong wait for Grandma to deliver doughnuts from the Yum Yum Shop.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
we are here!
Despite the overcast sky, this is mind bogglingly beautiful.
Alice used the word "alas" when talking to me. I don't remember the context but it isn't important. I mentioned this amusing vocabulary choice to Molitor in front of Alice. Mere minutes later, Alice said, "I miss my friends. I wish I could have a play date with Mallory." We've been expecting her to be sad about abandoning her friends, so I was gearing up to comfort her when she looked at me and sighed, "Alas..." with a huge grin on her face. She had staged the conversation just to use the word again. Awesome!
more journal pages
So, we decided to simply drive to the general area of the next campground (Pillsbury State Park in NH, about a 1.5 hour drive away from our destination today, Moultonborough, on Lake Winnepesaukee) and stay in whatever motel had space. Turns out this approach to finding lodging Does Not Work, at least at this time of year at least vaguely near the Lakes Region of NH. There was no vacancy (other than smoking rooms) in Concord, NH, and there was a festival going on so we couldn't even easily find parking to get out and explore by foot what looked to be a charming New England town. Molitor had found space in an EconoLodge in Manchester (another 15 miles away...and further away from Moultonborough...ugh), which is where we are now.
I was mighty disappointed that we had to go so far out of our way (it's not really that far, but it felt it) just to find a freakin' EconoLodge to stay in, but after my best night of sleep in a week (verging on 9 hours, interrupted only once by a thirsty 4 1/2 year old), I'm feeling very warmly towards EconoLodges. The building looks something like a converted mill, so our room is HUGE (and oddly proportioned), which was nice for Alice and Beatrice to play around in, making (or in Beatrice's case, slowly destroying) a fort made of all the blankets,pillows, and chairs and generally rolling around.
Today, we meet Grandma for lunch in Moultonborough and check into our cabin at 2 p.m. Finally! Yeah! Now we'll have 2 weeks on Lake Winnepesaukee to relax...and figure out how to better conduct our next stint of traveling.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Keepin' it classy in the Berkshires
Chillin in a Super 8 in the Berkshires (aka Lessons Learned So Far )
Alice is an amazing kid. She seems to be growing up at warp speed in just the 5 days we've been on the trip. She started taking showed instead of baths at grandma's house and has confined to love them at our campgrounds. She had her first bike wreck and then proceeded over the next few days to practice going up and down (smaller) hills until she proclaimed that she "thinks she's getting the hang of it." I can actually rely on her to help out doing small things and she is intensely interested in helping out with almost all aspects of camping. She always wants to go potty by herself and to walk back from the bathroom to the campsite alone. And most of all, when things got really stressful (that is, when we had to flee campsites for a hotel), it seemed that all she wanted to do was make her parents feel better. She was more than happy to camp or motel it, she didn't care.
the story so far
Six days in we've had several excellent nights of camping, and been forced to a motel two nights. Once by biting flies in Cape Henlopen, Delaware, and once by rain in October Mountain State Park. Nothing ruined, but bedding made damp before a cool night. The missed nights have been disappointing but we're learning how to do it better.
You need, I think, to be quite disciplined to both travel and camp with small children. Small problems can snowball pretty briskly and then you're looking for a hotel.
Alice had a minor bike crash and skinned her knew and elbow. She also learned to love peeing outside.
Beatrice loves everything about camping except the naps. She doesn't even mind the car rides much, although we wish she would nap in the car and she really does not want to.
We swam at Lake Welch in New York, and saw FDR's home in Hyde Park. We're one day out from New Hampshire.
Here's hoping we get another good night of camping! We're on track to camp in New Hampshire, just an hour or so from Lake Winnipesaukee.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Our new, temporary home
Aside from the emotional discomfort, we are enjoying life at Grandma's: everybody has their own bedroom behind closed doors, central air, a little girl with a playset in an adjoining yard that Alice can play with at all hours of the day, unchaperoned by a parent.