Wednesday, August 20, 2014

KOA Campground near Badlands National Park

We made good time today (relatively speaking) and got all the way to the Badlands National Park. We are staying over night in a cabin at a pretty rockin' KOA campground. Molitor has much experience with KOAs; I have none. I have to say, based on this campground (flies and yellowjackets notwithstanding...which is a BIG "notwithstanding"), I am impressed! It has laundry and bathrooms and shower and dish sinks and all facilities are either new or incredibly well maintained. A pool, a playground, a mini golf, etc. But Best Of All, it has a bunk bed in our 1-room (air-conditioned, thank you) cabin. Alice is over the moon.

Poor Alice got stung by her first yellow-jacket this evening. It was terrible to watch her cry and scream, but quickly applied ice and Tylenol and a story about how Bernard got stung by yellow jackets had her back on her feet in about 15 minutes.

On our drive here, we crossed the Missourri River, and just after crossing we stopped at a gigantic tourist trap, Al's Oasis. A lame recreation of an Old West outpost, but it gave us a damn fine bison burger. We had to drive through part of the Badlands to get to the KOA, though we'll do much more of it tomorrow. They are just extraterrestrial looking. Alice judged them by whether any of the older girls she knew would be able to climb them: Paige and Molly (Finn's sisters) and Emmie and Hayden (Parker's sisters) were all deemed able or, usually, unable to climb certain formations.

Tomorrow we will drive the entire Badlands Loop and then see Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse. Still figuring out how to do this while still accommodating the need for afternoon naps.

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