Wednesday, August 6, 2014


We arrived at Sunset RV Park in Oswego, NY yesterday. Google maps told us it would take about 5.5 hours to get there. So, admittedly taking 3-4 breaks for the kids adds to that time, but I still think Google is oddly optimistic. We left Lazy Lions campground at 9:45 am and rolled into Sunset around 6:15 pm. Ugh. And then I turned around in about 30 minutes (after, among other tasks, downing some Chef Boyardee ravioli...oh yeah) to go fetch Mom at the Syracuse airport. She is staying with Molitor's Aunt Eva in Oswego, about 7 miles away from here for the duration of our stay. We plan to leave Saturday morning for Niagara Falls.

The drive here was fascinating. All these names that were so important in the history of the country (and in the "literature" of my fave James Fenimore Cooper): Seneca Falls, Mohawk River, Erie Canal (which technically I have now seen, at 65 mph).

We definitely have a "simple little cottage" (Alice vernacular). It is rather shabby (Molitor compares it to a sharecropper's cabin), and floor wasn't swept very well, etc., etc. But it has all the necessary amenities, including a shared bath house a few feet away and the world's most ridiculous kitchenette: there is a propane tank bolted on to the outside of the cabin with a tube snaking in through the wall, which attaches to a 2-burner stove, which is itself sitting on top of a metal rolling 3-shelf tray, which is bolted to the wall, with its wheels 3 inches from the floor. But good enough to make pancakes and coffee this morning! All the furniture looks quite well made and solid (mostly wood), but about 50 years of hard use.

The best thing, perhaps, is the view from our cabin. The picture below (from our front porch) doesn't do it justice, really, especially because it doesn't feature the sunset (the campground is aptly named). But Lake Oswego is Right There, separated from us by only a road and two stands for icecream and traditional lake-side fare. I have never seen a great lake before and good grief, they are BIG. It's like looking at the ocean, and they demonstrably have big waves that crash into shores and sea gulls and and and. They're just fresh water. I don't know if we'll go swimming in the lake. There's a pool on the park's premises, and while the weather is beautiful, it's not exactly beach-going: quite breezy, cool...a bit like a perfect autumn day in Norfolk. 

We plan to stick around the campground all day today but for a trip to the grocery store. We haven't had any fresh vegetables in about 2 days. Ugh. Grandma and Aunt Eva are slated to come over mid-morning, and Grandma will stay with us all day. Hopefully tomorrow we'll all drive into Syracuse so I can see where Grandma grew up!

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