Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Today has been a hard, hard day for Beatrice. It started off fine, the usual stuff. But then she didn't fall asleep for her afternoon nap in the car until...never. Eventually, around 4pm (having abandoned our goal of at least getting into Indiana), after an hour of almost constant crying, we finally just pulled off and found a motel. I was all excited to use an app called Road Ninja, which tells you every service available at the next few stops on the freeway, to find a motel with a pool. And then Road Ninja said it couldn't "sense" the network. Ah well. So, we just pulled off where a sign indicated a Best Western and Holiday Inn Express. The Best Western had a pool! And a suite (aka, a separate bedroom ... with a door ... that closes!)! And a hot breakfast including a waffle maker! for $104 + tax. God bless the middle of nowhere, just west of Toledo, OH on Rt. 90.

Alice and Daddy immediately decamped to the pool, where they had a wonderful, wonderful time enjoying the heated water, blue skies and puffy white skies, and the feeling of cleaning themselves of any vestiges of Chaparral Family Campground. It turns out that Beatrice had pooped at some point in there; possibly that's what was keeping her up in the car, poor thing. Amusingly, her poop smelled like Hormel Chili, which we all (minus Alice, of course) enjoyed 2 nights ago.

I tried to put Beatrice down for a very late nap but by now she was waaaay overtired and additionally Very Excited about her new surroundings. As I was letting her crawl around, trying to assess whether she was able to take a nap, she walked! She took about 6 steps. It was surreal. A little while later, she did it again. I then tried to get it on video. So, she hasn't done it again.

I eventuallt took her out to the pool to frolic with Daddy and Alice where, due to her Extreme Fatigue, she almost immediately face planted (from a crawling position, thank goodness) onto the concrete, making her mouth bleed prodigiously. I think she just busted her lip, but good grief it was gory.

So, back in she came, got a shower to get off the blood (and hummus in her hair), got a dose of Tylenol, nursed, and just about fell like a rock into her crib. Where she now lies slightly bloodied, with a swollen upper lip, polka dotted with mosquito bites because evidently she is delicious.

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